Our vision
Communities, organisations and services that are inclusive & just, in a participatory society where all people have health, wellbeing, representation & self-determination.

intertwine envisages a progressive society which is truly inclusive — where people from all walks of life, sexualities, ethnicities, genders and abilities can work creatively, collaboratively and courageously together to transform our society into one where all can thrive.
Our purpose is to eliminate marginalisation and oppression through dismantling systemic power structures. We do this through education, engaging and connecting diverse communities and organisations and fostering resilience, intersectional inclusion and self-empowerment
intertwine takes a primary prevention approach to help organisations understand the underlying drivers of violence and that creating the circumstances for gender equity, cultural and racial justice, freedom of sexuality and gender identity and a social model of disability will result in a society with lower rates of harm by others and lower rates of self-harm by those affected.
intertwine is a privately held not-for-profit company registered as a charity with the ACNC and listed on the Register of Harm Prevention Charities with the Department of Social Security.
Our values
We walk the talk. We are trustworthy and fair. We operate with transparency. We pay speakers, staff, interns and participants in research projects. We respect the autonomy of the communities and individuals we work with. We declare our privilege and use it to be visible allies. We acknowledge the stolen lands on which we work. We name our intersecting identities in the interests of collective resistance.
Our fundamental maxim is ‘nothing about us without us’. We strive for social justice. We collaborate and wherever possible, centre marginalised voices. We operate through consensus. We recognise lived and living experience as authority. Our community of staff, Board and advisors with living experience guides our strategy. We create mentor positions for younger and less experienced staff in all of our projects and work.
We believe that all people have the capacity to change for the better. We believe that conversations and training can create culture shift within organisations and across society. We believe that eliminating structural barriers will create space for all people to participate in a vibrant and fulfilling life.