transforming communities — together
our training

intersectionality 101
Our introductory training session is designed for people at all organisational levels with beginner to intermediate understanding of workplace diversity and inclusion.
This 3.5 hour workshop is designed to help you move beyond sensitivity training and diversity to justice and equity. Using a nuanced approach to privilege and marginalisation, you’ll workshop intersections and effects and work on developing tailored structural solutions for your organisation. From time to time, we run public sessions for individuals to book into (see our next training dates), or you can book a conversation to discuss your organisation’s needs.
cultureshift: full program
The program engages existing diversity champions, HR and representatives of different areas of the organisation. Materials are tailored to respond to the existing knowledge levels in the organisation and levels of staff resistance and/or potential backlash. The program can vary from 10 weeks to six months and assumes regular sessions to explore content, followed by breaks to draft policies and procedures.
Participants are expected to complete weekly readings prior to the sessions and to contribute to the group discussion space. The assumption is that participants have a general commitment to social justice and some understanding of at least one of the topics or have completed intertwine’s Intersectionality 101 training.

messaging the movement
Now, more than ever, in this time of uncertainty and unrest, we are aware that there are many who are not yet convinced this world is possible, people who have not yet made up their minds.
intertwine’s communications training draws on decades of social psychology to connect the dots between the evidence you already know and the language and messaging structure you need to create powerful, transformative and persuasive communications. Please book a discussion to discuss your organisation’s needs.
tailored training

training materials
Our Power Wheel infographic is available for use in your own training or resources, with attribution. While the Power Wheel is free as a handout, we invite donations to support our ongoing work to dismantle structural barriers and continue to offer free seats to First Peoples in our own training work. Our Privilege for Sale cards will be available soon.
The wheel is also available for licensing. Organisations currently using the intertwine Power Wheel include the Victorian Government, in its MARAM Collaborative Practice Module, the Australian Children’s Television Foundation in its supporting materials for the TV show More Than This, and The Commons Library.
Other services
communities of practice
strategic evaluation
For organisations that are further down the track, intertwine can conduct 360-degree evaluation of your intersectionality strategies and approaches and compare aims against outcomes. Our approach is a mixed methods evaluation involving desktop research of published materials and outputs, individual interviews with internal and external stakeholders, staff focus groups, online workshops and interactive spaces to respond to draft recommendations.