donate to intertwine today
together, we can create change
support our work
Every day, we here at intertwine collaborate in solidarity to create a society where all of us can thrive. Whether it’s building communities of practice or creating resources for living experience advocates, we are working to make our communities, our workplaces and all our interactions culturally safe, personally affirming and structurally empowering.
All of this work requires resources — and intertwine is committed to ensuring that we pay people with lived experience of inequality.
Your generous donation today will help us create additional intersectional social justice resources and provide sustainability for intertwine and our staff in 2023 and beyond. $10 helps pay for one printed guide; $25 supports us to pay writers; $100 will support us to produce our Community of Practice program.
Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

With your help, we can continue to contribute to communities that flourish, improve mental health outcomes, remove structural barriers and prevent harm to First Peoples, QTIPOC, women of colour, trans and gender-nonconforming folks, disabled and neurodivergent people and all of us who exist in these multiple spaces and experience intersecting systems of oppression in our lives.
Every donation contributes — and when you can commit to a regular gift, it makes it possible for us to plan ahead. Regular donors will also be invited to events and updates to keep you in the loop about how your contribution is transforming our society for the better.