our events

Book for one of intertwine’s intersectionality 101 training sessions or join us for our occasional panel discussions on social justice. We also hold regular networking events and monthly Intersectionality Communities of Practice.

Alternately, you can contact us to arrange for tailored training for your organisation today.

Upcoming events

intersectionality 101

Our introductory training session is designed for people at all organisational levels with beginner to intermediate understanding of workplace diversity and inclusion.

This 3.5 hour workshop on Tuesday, 16 April, 2024 is designed to help you move beyond sensitivity training and diversity to create real inclusion. Using a nuanced approach to privilege and marginalisation, you’ll workshop the intersections and effects of policies and practice in your workplace, and begin developing tailored structural solutions for your organisation.

This training session will take place on Zoom. Tickets are free for First Nations people and discounted tickets are available for low income folks.

CultureShift: Momentum community of practice. Three hands laid over the top of each other like the start of a team cheer

CultureShift: Momentum

Designed for senior diversity practitioners and intersectionality advisers, our fourth round of the popular CultureShift Community of Practice is now open for bookings. Starting on Thursday, February 1, 2024 these two-hour sessions will take place on the first Thursday of each month for 10 months.

Participants can book in 5-month blocks but are encouraged to attend for the whole year in order to create a collaborative community to share resources, celebrate successes and support each other through challenges.

Spaces are still available and the event is free for First Nations folks. Fees go towards paying facilitators, paying our First Nations staff and a percentage of all income goes towards paying the rent.

CultureShift First Steps Community of Practice. Three people walking together in the countryside

CultureShift: First Steps

For the first time, intertwine’s popular CultureShift Community of Practice has a dedicated space for folks just starting out on their equity and justice journey. Starting on Thursday, February 15, 2024, these two-hour sessions will take place on the third Thursday of each month for 10 months.

Participants can book for individual sessions but are encouraged to purchase at least a five-month pass in order to create a collaborative community to share resources, celebrate successes and support each other through challenges.

Spaces are still available and the event is free for First Nations folks. Fees go towards paying facilitators, paying our First Nations staff and a percentage of all income goes towards paying the rent.

Apply to be a panellist or trainer

We run networking events and panels to explore current issues, inviting guest speakers to discuss their knowledge and thoughts. We pay all our speakers and trainers for their expertise. If you are interested or have a topic you’d like to propose, please get in touch today.

Past events

imagining social justice

intertwine tackled some big questions in this first panel of our digital speaker series. Jumping off from Hawai’i’s feminist-led COVID recovery plan, we asked: what would an intersectional, feminist COVID recovery look like in Australia?

We were thrilled to have Meriki Onus, co-founder of Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance, Tigist Kebede, a culturally inclusive counsellor and founder of “The Coloured Therapist” who has been working with the communities in Victoria’s public housing towers, Hala Nur from the Venny, feminist academic and activist Eva Cox, and sociologist Barbara Barbosa-Neves from Monash University joining our panel.

profile photos of four speakers accompanied by their titles and the initial details for this event

networking the intersections

Throughout 2019, intertwine held bi-monthly networking events for professionals in Naarm working in intersectionality to share successes, discuss challenges and workshop solutions.

Sadly, the global pandemic of 2020 interrupted this face-to-face program but we are investigating ways to recommence this valuable resource-sharing space.

We would also be keen to hear from social change activists and intersectional practitioners who would be keen to run intertwine networking events in other cities.


profile photos of four speakers accompanied by their titles and the initial details for this event

are human rights still useful?

intertwine was thrilled to have these amazing people joining us to discuss whether using the human rights framework is still appropriate for addressing intersectional marginalisation:

  • Marjorie Thorpe, Djab Wurrung woman, who was involved in the Supreme Court case against the Victorian Government’s disregard of Djab Wurrung Country
  • June Riemer, proud Dhungutti woman from the North Coast of NSW and Deputy CEO, First Peoples’ Disability Network
  • Marcella Brassett, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
  • Nevena Spirovska, Victorian Pride Lobby.

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