resource creation
At intertwine, we produce learning resources to spark conversation and action towards intersectional justice, and support a shared vision for thriving, safer, supportive environments for all.
We create resources as a service, whether it’s alongside tailored leadership and training programs, as a commissioned research project, or a collaborative publication.
We also offer learning resources from our training programs, that you are welcome to use to assist in nuanced discussion of the intersecting systems produce power dynamics, privilege and marginalisation. These resources include a Privilege Wheel (digital download) and our Privilege, Resistance & Proximity to Power poster (A2 print), which are available to purchase below.
resources from our programs

FUSE ~ Finding Unity in Shared Experience
FUSE is our youth leadership program for diverse neurodivergent queer & trans young people (of ages 15-22), and aimed at creating a safe space that is inviting and welcoming of queer / lgbtq+ youth with multiple experiences of marginalisation.
From February to June 2024, the intertwine team & FUSE crew worked to identify and address issues and inequalities in participants’ lives. This pilot program chose to focus on making schools safe for queer, trans and neurodivergent young people.
As a collective, we decided to create a resource for teachers on how to effectively accommodate and help their queer, trans and neurodivergent students in their learning. We created a survey and filmed young people talking about this issue and produced a booklet and video. Participants drafted the text together and the art was created by one of the participants, Leighton.
This learning resource booklet was sent to school counsellors in the Manningham area, sent to Safe Schools, and is now available as an online resource here.
Ideally, the information gathered in this resource will be disseminated to school leadership and all classroom teachers, and result in positive changes to the learning environment for future queer, trans and neurodivergent students.
FUSE was proudly funded by Manningham Council’s community grants program.

Intersectionality Guide and Toolkit
intertwine created a comprehensive Intersectionality Guide and Toolkit for the Victorian Public Service, commissioned by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. Working with design firm greenscribble and Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta, Dja Dja Wurrung, Bunitj, Boon Wurrung, Taungurung artist, the guide covers all stages of the policy development process and the toolkit contains a variety of practical exercises for teams to gain and apply intersectional knowledge.
Climate Justice Toolkit
In conjunction with WA’s Community Services, Edith Cowan University’s Centre for People, Place and Planet and the Climate Justice Union, intertwine worked on the intersectionality components of the upcoming Climate Justice and Resilience Toolkit, a new web site being created as a resource for the community services sector.
The web site will contain a variety of resources for assessing an organisation’s governance, programs and communications along with practical exercises and guides to applying intersectional justice approaches to community services work.

Pride in Prevention
Ro Bersten, intertwine’s managing director, contributed to Rainbow Health Australia’s Pride in Prevention Messaging Guide. The Guide uses values-based messaging research to outline intersectional approaches to messaging LGBTIQA+ family violence prevention. intertwine also consulted on the design, ensuring that the imagery represented a broad LGBTIQA+ community with racial diversity, body shape variety and ability differences.
The resource is designed as an accompaniment to the Pride in Prevention Evidence Guide.
communities of practice
Diversity workers are often isolated within organisations or even work unofficially on DEI because of their living expertise. intertwine’s Communities of Practice are designed for senior intersectionality advisers and others with responsibility for developing or implementing intersectionality strategies across organisations.
strategic evaluation
For organisations that are further down the track, intertwine can conduct 360-degree evaluation of your intersectionality strategies and approaches and compare aims against outcomes. Our approach is a mixed methods evaluation involving desktop research of published materials and outputs, individual interviews with internal and external stakeholders, staff focus groups, online workshops and interactive spaces to respond to draft recommendations.