Books, Documents & Articles
All About Power: Understanding Social Power and Power Structures by Srilatha Batliwala
Understanding power through five core questions – providing a framework for approaching the concept of power and analysing how it operates.
A document breaking down how white supremacy culture manifests in organisations.
Coin model of privilege and critical allyship by Stephanie A. Nixon
An article discussing at the intersections and implications around inequitable healthcare outcomes, using the Coin Model of Privilege and Critical Allyship.

SCARF Model, a theory developed by David Rock
Post about the SCARF Model, which looks at how to interact with people in a way that reduces threats or conflict, and helps influence the way people behave.

Neuroscience of Community by Janae Elisabeth aka Trauma Geek
A series of posts on Facebook which describe the psychology behind community and interaction within communities.

Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
A collection of essays exploring the politics and realities of disability justice, a movement that centres the lives and leadership of sick and disabled queer, trans, Black, and brown people, with knowledge and gifts for all.

An evidence synthesis of literature on the concept of intersectionality. Looks at what the concept means, and how it can be applied to policymaking and analysis, as well as providing spotlight examples.

An explanation of why DCA has shifted away from using the term ‘culturally and linguistically diverse’ (CALD), offering the alternative language of ‘culturally and racially marginalised’ (CARM) .

For the mental health, alcohol and other drug, suicide prevention sectors
Podcasts & Video/Film

The Burnout Project by Dr Amy Imms
A self-paced online program that aims to educate and support people suffering from burnout.

Animated charts showing income mobility based on gender and ethnicity in America.