resources for your organisation

This range of digital resources will help you understand and eliminate different forms of discrimination, marginalisation and violence in your organisation and your community. 

This list of resources includes but is not limited to topics on intersectionality, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-ableism, LGBTIQ+ inclusion. We are always learning and looking for helpful resources in these fields so if you have a suggestion we’ve missed, please get in touch. Additional materials will be added to this list on a regular basis.

We encourage you to spend some time with these amazing articles and videos to deepen your understanding and broaden your horizons about what’s possible within your own workplace or community organisation. More importantly, we hope this list of resources will help you find practical ways to make a difference, remove barriers and create more inclusion.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss transforming your organisational culture or evaluating your existing policies — see the form below.

resources on intersectionality

our intersectionality 101 resources including readings on the history of intersectionality, and some basic explainers. Check out the resources »

decolonising intersectionality

resources around cultural safety for First Peoples, and examining the ongoing impacts of settler-colonialism in the ways we implement intersectionality and gender equity. Check out the resources »

unpacking whiteness, racism & culture

these resources will help your organisation examine invisible cultures of racism, and think about the ways racism intersects with other systems of marginalisation

gender, sexism & equity

these resources aim to address gender equity across a range of issues, from hiring to anti-harassment policies and governance, with an intersectional lens.

woman with Down's Syndrome working from home with a laptop. She is sitting in an armchair next to an artistically shaped coffee table.

accessibility & accommodation

resources to help you make your web site, events and workplace more accessible for people with disabilities, neurodivergence and chronic illness.

LGBTIQA+ resources

these resources aim to create a workplace that is welcoming for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, queer and questioning staff and clients.

Download our free resource for your training

Our most requested resource, the privilege wheel handout is designed for use in small group discussion as part of intersectionality training. Although it is free, we ask that you add a donation to your order if you or your organisation can afford it. intertwine pays 1% of all income to First Nations communities via the Pay the Rent Grassroots Collective.

Evaluation & organisational change

In 2020, intertwine was contracted by Our Watch, the national body working on the prevention of violence against women and their children, to evaluate the organisation’s intersectionality strategy. intertwine put together a team of people, including Lidia Thorpe, Meriki Onus, Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, Rafeif Ismail and Emily De Rango and conducted a mixed-methods evaluation involving desktop research, individual interviews with internal and external stakeholders, staff focus groups, online workshops and interactive spaces. 

The resulting report was well received by the senior leadership team. Book a consultation »

Tailored training

intertwine develops tailored training on a variety of topics, from intersectionality 101 to consent & power, from race & disability to race, gender & sexuality. Request a quote today using the form on this page.

We have also delivered Intersectionality 101 training for individuals from not-for-profit health organisations, local government, Victorian State Government departments and statutory authorities. See our next training dates »

Training materials

Our Privilege Wheel infographic is available for use in your own training or resources, with attribution. Organisations currently using the intertwine Privilege Wheel include the Victorian Government, in its MARAM Collaborative Practice Module, and The Commons Library. While the Privilege Wheel is free, we invite donations to support our ongoing work to dismantle structural barriers and continue to offer free seats to First Peoples in our own training work. Download the Privilege Wheel now »

Resource creation & messaging consults

intertwine also consults on, creates and partners on resource creation, from projects as comprehensive as creating the 2024 intersectionality toolkit for the Victorian Government to a language consult on pamphlets on abortion care for Fair Agenda to co-writing a messaging guide with Rainbow Health Australia.

View resources created for clients »

View messaging consults »

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